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Agenda 10/18/2006

October 18, 2006- 6:30 P.M.

1.      Continuation of Petition of Nicholas Osgood requesting a Variance and/or Special Permit from side yard setback to allow a third floor deck for the property located at 4 BENTLEY        STREET – R-2 DISTRICT.

2.      Petition of Linda Moustakis requesting Administrative Appeal of the Zoning Enforcement Officer’s determination that 4 BENTLEY STREET is a three-family dwelling R-2             DISTRICT.

3.      Petition of Jiuolito Zepy, requesting a Variance from the City of Salem Sign Ordinance to allow an alteration to a previously existing non-conforming sign for the property located     at 17 CANAL STREET - B-4 DISTRICT.

2.      Petition of Petricia LeBrun requesting a Special Permit to allow a Pet Grooming Business in an existing non-conforming structure for the property located at 8-10 BROADWAY - I  DISTRICT.

3.      Petition of Antonio Nogueira requesting a Variance from the required side yard setback of ten (10) feet to approximately three (3) feet to allow for enclosing of a twelve (12) by              sixteen (16) foot deck for the property located at 13 FAIRMOUNT STREET - R-2 DISTRICT.

4.      Petition of Kathryn Harper requesting a Variance from Rear Yard setback requirements from the required thirty (30) feet to approximately eleven (11) feet to reconstruct a two-story    addition for the property located at 3 ALLEN STREET - R-2 DISTRICT.

5.      Petition of Daniel Spencer and Kevin Spencer requesting Variances from number of stories to allow construction of a roof deck, and from rear yard setback to construct a second         story bay window for the property located at 35 JUNIPER AVENUE - R-1 DISTRICT.

6.      Petition of Centurion Group requesting Variances from Maximum Lot Coverage from the required twenty-five percent (25%) to forty-eight point eight percent (48.8%); from Side            Yard setback from the required ten (10) feet to a proposed five (5) feet; from Rear Yard setback from the required thirty (30) feet to a proposed five (5) feet; and from Maximum                       Building Height from the required thirty (30) feet to a proposed thirty-three (33) feet to construct a third building on the site located at 435 HIGHLAND AVENUE – B-2                       DISTRICT.

7.      Petition of AAA Enterprises & Services requesting a Special Permit to allow a portion of the premises to be used for earth processing activities for the property located at 15                 ROBINSON ROAD – BPD DISTRICT.

8.      Petition of Neil and Martha Chayet requesting a Special Permit to alter a non-conforming structure, a Variance from the rear setback requirements and a determination of a curb cut     for the property located at 26 WINTER STREET - R-2 DISTRICT.

9.      Old/New Business

10.     Adjournment

Nina Cohen, Chair
Zoning Board of Appeals